Monday, January 30, 2012

Senior Project: January 30, 2012

Today it was just Lindsey and I. We really worked a lot. The research plan was almost finished and I found or linking text. The paper took the whole hour, but somehow we cranked it out. Andy is started with the group as soon as we actually put our plan into action. I laid out the order we need to do everything and hopefully we can stay on task and complete everything when it needs to be done. If we stay organized we should be set. Hopefully the people we want to talk to will say okay. Otherwise we can improvise. I could just ask random people from all the colleges I’m visiting. That’s only if we can not get the people we want to help us. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Senoir Project: January 27, 2012

Today we worked on the research plan. I think we are moving along really well now. I am starting to like google docs. It really helps in writing the paper. Since we can all write on the same page at the same time. It makes it much easier. I think we have down the bases on what we need to do and how we should do it. Hopefully next week will go as good as this one. We are all on the same page now and we finished part A. I think this weekend we are planning on finishing B, but it’s still up in the air. I am excited to learn more about what real people have to say about our topic and how it changes between people.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Senior Project: January 26, 2012

We decided that we were definitely going to tell people about the college experience. Nick was not there so I decided to make a google docs page. I started to write our plan. This is going to be a long journey. I learned Andy will not be able to work with us in class for another week. It should not affect us, since we have three people to work still. I am hoping my mom has a book I can use for a book I can base our project off. I am looking forward to seeing what the students say are important compared to what the teachers say. Hopefully the journey is a good one and does not have too many speed bumps along the way.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

senoir project: january 25, 2012

Today is the first day. My group and I were trying to come up with an idea for a project. We thought about cleaning the school or a cultural day. We decided to go with a college preparation presentation. It will be focused on expectations by teachers and what current freshman like and do not like. Any advice freshmen have for the incoming freshmen. This should be fun. I think the hardest part is going to be presenting in front of random people and distributing work evenly among our group. I am looking forward to finding out what people have to say. I am happy we finally decided on a topic, since it took us a half hour of looking through a random book to come up with an idea.