Thursday, February 23, 2012

Senior Project: February 23, 2012

Today was presentation day, at least the first one to the students. I was partnered with Lindsey and Nick and Andy were together. I think Lindsey and I did an okay job. We were not perfect, but it was not bad either. I learned our project might be used for a class which could be cool. I think that means I have to edit another video, but that’s fine. I enjoy doing that. Lindsey told me that we did a better job than Nick and Andy which is great. As long as we beat them that’s all I care about. I am also happy that that is over now.  Now all we have to do is the second prezi and we are pretty much done. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Senior Project: February 21, 2012

Today we were finishing up our first prezi. I took a while, but I figured out how prezi works. It is actually pretty simple. During that process we learned that I need to go make the sound louder on two of the videos. It should not take too long, but it means we have to take the current videos out of prezi and then put the new ones into it. It just is a boring task. I am just hoping that Lindsey and I can get through our presentation without any problems. Like technical or miss speaking. I still need to talk to her and run through it a couple of times. We have to figure out when to stop and explain, and when to have discussions.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Senior Project: February 17, 2012

I went back to Mr. Onstotts room today to finish what I started yesterday. I had to work really hard to get through the videos. I got all of the videos converted and I cut and edited them as well. I think they should look good. Now I have to give them to the other people, so they can decide where to put them in our prezi. My job is to edit. The other people’s jobs are to work on the prezi and finish getting the videos for me. Hopefully everyone knows enough about the topic that they can speak to the people with ease during our presentation. I think I am educated enough and have talked to enough people involved in college to talk understand enough about college to talk.

Senior Project: February 16, 2012

Today I was down in Mr. Onstotts room. My job for the next couple of days is to take the videos off of youtube and then edit them and then put them back onto youtube. That way we can put smaller videos into our prezi and it will make it look much better. It took pretty much the whole hour just to finish taking the videos off of youtube. For some reason the computers in the room do not all work. I had to keep switching computers. I have to spend time editing tomarrow. I think I can get the first two videos edited and back on youtube in about one hour. It might take a little longer, but I do not know. I cannot get help from my group, because it will make it look worse.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Senior Project: February 14, 2012

Today, we got most of everything on a schedule. I am really hoping everyone gets the people they are supposed to get interviewed ready. I got mine out of the way and now I am just waiting for their responses. I have faith in them. They are just taking a long time. We only have two weeks to get this online and ready to go. The sooner I get the videos the faster we can practice our presentation. I think that we should get done, but no one knows until after it happens. I just want this to get over with all ready. I have been thinking that if we cannot get this done in time what we can do. It might be a little out there, but I think we can do it. We could make a 7 to 10 minute video on the subject and put it on the announcements. That is just a last minute change.

Senior Project: February 13, 2012

We worked on the bibliography and uploaded videos to youtube. The videos did not work at school. I tried to get Nick to take it to Mr. Onstotts room, but he just did it at home. It took him forever. I have almost finished the bibliography. I do not know if I did it one hundred percent right, but I did it. We are working on getting the last interviews done and then once we finish the interviews I can go into Mr. Onstott’s room and edit the videos. I plan on getting some help, but I will do most of it by myself. It should not be too hard. I have done things like this before. It is just very time consuming. I hope we stay on our timeline.

Senior Project: February 10, 2012

Today I was not in class, but Lindsay worked on the prezi. I think she has all the basics done. We still need to get the videos uploaded and put into prezi. We interviewed Dr. Bahaee and Zach Foote. Both interviews gave us good information to use. Dr. Bahaee told us about what the professors expect from students and how students should treat their professors and act in class. Zach talked more about student relations and how to get to know people. We walked around campus a little bit and got to look at some of the buildings in Central Michigan. This helps us understand what colleges offer their students and Zach told us how many people us rooms and how campus is divided up.