Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Senior Project: February 14, 2012

Today, we got most of everything on a schedule. I am really hoping everyone gets the people they are supposed to get interviewed ready. I got mine out of the way and now I am just waiting for their responses. I have faith in them. They are just taking a long time. We only have two weeks to get this online and ready to go. The sooner I get the videos the faster we can practice our presentation. I think that we should get done, but no one knows until after it happens. I just want this to get over with all ready. I have been thinking that if we cannot get this done in time what we can do. It might be a little out there, but I think we can do it. We could make a 7 to 10 minute video on the subject and put it on the announcements. That is just a last minute change.

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